A Letter from Pastor Oscar.

     Hello and Peace Be with You!

First, I would like to say thank you for visiting Jacksontown UMC's website. We are "the Little Church on the Hill" that loves and believes in the Jesus Christ and the love of God. The church is filled with loving and caring people who strive to live in that love and the word. Feel free to come in on a Sunday morning at 9:15am and see that love at work for yourself.

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Pastor Oscar, I am the new pastor here at Jacksontown UMC. I just started here on July 1st officially, actually my first real day of serving here was July 7th. I am new to the community and looking forward to getting to know everyone here in Jacksontown, Hebron, Thornville, and Buckeye Lake area, This Church Community has welcomed me and let me know that the love here is real. Serving as a pastor I am still fairly new. I know there are others who in their journey may be farther along than me, and there is also some who are just starting off. The good thing is no matter where you are in your faith Journey, there is still plenty of room for growth in some way and I am looking forward to working and growing with you.

The one thing I know for sure to be true is God Loves You! That will never change, and it would be my honor to serve you as we grow into the understanding of that Love. 

Your servant in Christ.

Pastor Oscar Bickerdt Jr